Sunday 29 June 2014

Character Analysis of Anne Frank

As part of my school assignment, I had to write on my favourite character. Here goes! 

After reading the book “The Diary of a Young Girl”, I was asked who my favourite character was. I immediately answered - Anne Frank. From the very beginning of the book, I related with Anne Frank the most. I realized that there was some sort of parallelism between her life and mine. Of course, her living conditions were under unusual circumstances due to the Holocaust; but apart from that I feel the feelings, the fears and the problems somewhat shared a mutual theme, so to say. Anne Frank was a confident, optimistic teenage girl who found comfort writing in her diary because she felt she had difficulty in opening up to people.  Through her writing, she comes across as a playful and comical girl with a serious side. Through the years, her personality develops and she grows into an emotionally independent lady from an obstinate and indolent girl. During the first years of the annex, she struggles with the adults with their constant criticism and nagging. She feels lonely and need in of affection. A feeling many teenagers come across at some point or the other. Unlike her sister, she wasn’t pretty or very intelligent and she often thought she wasn’t good enough. Well, low self-esteem is the mantra of teenage life! She had high hopes and ambitions, and one day wanted to be a writer.  If it weren’t for her death, she had the potential to become an engaging, challenging and sophisticated writer. As she entered womanhood, she struggled with her inner self and as she matures, she no longer longs for female companionship but a male counterpart and develops a crush on Peter. Something everyone including me wrestle with too. All of her confusions, fears and her struggles to keep up with adolescence is what makes the book so relatable but her optimism and her being able to get over the obstacles even under the terrible circumstances is what makes her my favourite character.

I found great help from; do check it out! Summaries, plot lines and character analysis.